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Tips on what to pack and how to pack for your study abroad adventure in Spain When packing for studying abroad in Spain (or any international destination), the number one packing rule is to “pack light”. It’s a simple concept but can be very difficult to...

Your meatless survival guide to Spanish tapas Traveling to different countries and immersing yourself in a foreign culture can be daunting and a challenge for anybody, and it is known that there is always an adjustment period, especially to new food. Above all, this reality usually...

What you need to know about the differences between Spain Spanish (the Spanish spoken in Spain) and American Spanish (the Spanish that is widely used in the US) Upon arriving in Spain, if you have come from a Spanish classroom in the United States, you will...

One thing I didn't take into account before studying abroad in Sevilla was the fact that I would be in the city. Well, what I mean is that it didn't occur to me that I would have to rely on public transportation as a way...

Centro MundoLengua is excited that you've chosen to study abroad with us! Besides learning and improving your Spanish skills, you will become familiar with the wonderful culture of Spain! However, like in any new culture, you will have to face cultural differences. Some aspects are harder...

Americans viewed by the Spanish Studying abroad in Spain is such an eye-opening experience. I came to Spain ready to learn the ins and outs of Sevilla. As any traveler would do, I made sure to read-up on key facts before arriving in order to have...

Social awareness campaigns for Spanish class A teacher of mine at my university once said that students’ classwork should always be meaningful. His goal was to create a class structure where the work would live after the students submitted projects and assignments. He did this by...

Learning Spanish with only an English background can seem like a difficult endeavor at first. Any new language is a big first step and each language has its own oddities and differences, but the language differences between English and Spanish are particularly clear when first learning Spanish. It quickly becomes clear that...

Say goodbye to nasty processed American food and hello to the fresh taste of Spain. I'm talking more than just stereotypical paella y'all! Isabel, my host mom, has exposed me to a whole new world of flavors and taught me how to prepare authentic Spanish meals....

Simply put, Spanish is a great language. Hundreds of millions of people around the world use it to communicate, both as a first and second language. In fact, research has shown that over 22 million people are studying Spanish as a second language, making it...

Learning a language abroad is one of the best things you can do for yourself. To be honest, the place or the language is far less important than the act of going abroad and learning to speak like the locals. Whether you’re learning Icelandic in...

Not long ago, I wrote a post about Spanish vocabulary that English needs. People currently studying abroad here in Sevilla told me about how they found the post interesting. Many of the students have learned about the subtle differences in language while studying abroad. I...

English is a great language to know. One can travel all around the world and communicate with people in this international language. For hundreds of millions of us, English is our first language that we use to express our thoughts and feelings to other people....

Con motivo del inicio de las rebajas en los comercios, desde Centro MundoLengua, te proponemos repasar el vocabulario de las prendas de vestir y descubrir las mejores expresiones españolas con ropa. La comprensión de estas expresiones es muy importante para entender mejor la lengua y...