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Probably if you are reading this post, you have decided to visit Spain or you are considering enrolling in one of our study abroad programs to do so. Our Spanish Immersion programs provide you the opportunity to improve your Spanish skills while immersing yourself in the...

Christmas is just around the corner. In Spain, the Christmas holidays are very important. They are a synonym of joy, family unity, happiness, typical traditions, and celebrations. Want to learn more about Christmas celebrations in Spain? Here are 10 typical Christmas traditions of Spain to...

Centro MundoLengua is excited that you've chosen to study abroad with us! Besides learning and improving your Spanish skills, you will become familiar with the wonderful culture of Spain! However, like in any new culture, you will have to face cultural differences. Some aspects are harder...

Flamenco is one of Spain’s most admired and best known art forms. Since 2010, it has been inscribed on the List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity of the UNESCO. We have put together a quiz to test how much you know about Flamenco. Even...

There are many ways to discover a country´s culture; one of them is through its festivities. Today we are going to inform you about one of the most magical nights in Spain: the Night of Saint John. History of the Night of Saint John The festival is...

At Centro Mundolengua we had the pleasure to host students from The American School of Moscow. It’s hard not to enjoy studying abroad in Sevilla with its endless sunny days, tapas, siestas, and the overall laid back culture. Students had the opportunity to experience Spanish culture...

The best tapas in Spain according to the MundoLengua team Spain is known throughout the world for its culturally unique style of small portions of food, also known as tapas. In short, Tapas can be anything from olives to patatas bravas, croquetas, jamón serrano, fish, meat, and anything...