Student Profile:

Current & Future AP® Spanish Students


June 21, 2020 – July 4, 2020

Application Deadline:

May 15, 2020

Pre-AP® Spanish Program in Seville, Spain

Imagínate disfrutando de un verano diferente en una de las ciudades más bellas, con más historia y con una de las vidas culturales más interesantes de toda Europa. Vivirás en la capital del sur de España, con 2.200 años de antigüedad, donde un único paseo te mostrará la catedral gótica más grande del mundo, un río que ha servido de inspiración para cientos de pintores, grandiosos palacios, impresionantes iglesias, imponentes jardines y antiguas calles de piedra repletas de bares al aire libre, tiendas locales y edificios llenos de encanto con balcones hechos con el típico hierro forjado.

Now picture this: you’re making friends, having fun, and discovering the best of Spain through guided tours, flamenco lessons, tapas nights, kayak adventures, excursions to other cities, and more!And at the same time, you’re enjoying all of the comforts of home, living in a safe and friendly environment, getting ready to score a 5 on the AP® Spanish course, and taking your Spanish to the next level through natural language immersion and engaging, interactive classes.

Well, you don’t have to just picture it. Our pre-AP® Spanish program in Seville offers high school students all of the above and more!


Boost your Spanishanddeepen your knowledge of Spanish culture by studying abroad in the 2,200- year-old city of Seville.

Explora enclaves históricos y aprende sobre la cultura con visitas guiadas, actividades y excursiones.

Disfruta de tu estancia en España participando en rutas en kayak, paseos en bicicleta, conciertos, bailes, competiciones deportivas y otras actividades.

Fully immerse yourself in the Spanish language and culture by livingwith a friendly, carefully- selected Spanish host family— delicious, home-cooked Spanish meals included!

Prepare to excel on the AP® Spanish course through natural immersion and fun, interactive classes that cover all of the course’s main themes.

Siéntete seguro y protegido con apoyo y supervisión las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, por parte de nuestro experimentado personal y nuestras familias de acogida.


In Seville, you’ll be living in the gorgeous, vibrant, and sun-drenched capital of Andalusia, the southern region of Spain.With 2,200 years of multicultural history, three UNESCO World Heritage Sites, ten palaces, and numerous attractions, which include both the largest gothic cathedral and the largest wooden structure in the world, the city is one of the country’s top destinations, and it’s the perfect place to practice your Spanish and learn about Spanish culture through first-hand experience. As you walk down its narrow, cobblestone streets, you’ll find a seemingly endless parade of charming old buildings, outdoor restaurants, local shops, elegant fountains, antique street lamps, fragrant orange trees, flower-filled balconies, lively plazas, bustling markets, and tranquil gardens.

Lugares de interés

The Seville Cathedral

Dating back to the 12th century, this magnificent buildingis the largest Gothic cathedral in the world, the burial site of Christopher Columbus, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Situated right in the heart of Seville’s historic city center, it’s just a five-minute walk from Centro MundoLengua’s classrooms. Inside, you’ll find a massive nave (or central hall) that’s lined with 80 side chapels, featuring a variety of artwork, tombs, carvings, and altarpieces.


La Giralda

Soaring more than 340 feet above Seville’s historic district, this dramatic bell tower is one of the city’s most iconic landmarks. It was originally built as a minaret near the end of the 12th century, as part of the immense mosque on which the Seville Cathedral was built. From the top of the tower, you can enjoy breathtaking views of the city below.


The Royal Alcázar

Dating back to the 14th century, this UNESCO World Heritage Site is both a majestic palace and a fairy tale-like complex of royal gardens. In thepalace, you’ll see one of the world’s finest examples of Mudéjar-style architecture, which combines Moorish and Renaissance-era influences. In thegardens, you’ll stroll through a peaceful array of courtyards, fountains, pools, and paths lined with orange trees, flowers, andhedges—along with the occasional peacock!


The Plaza de España

Providing a picturesque filming location for one of the Star Wars movies, this massive, semi-circular, palace-like building is surrounded by a wide-open plaza, a spectacular fountain, and a scenic canal that is spanned by arched bridges and traversed by rowboats. Right next to the Plaza, you’ll also find Parque de María Luisa—a 100-acre park that features beautiful gardens, elegant fountains, horse- drawn carriages, and peaceful ponds that are home to a variety of birds. Here, we and our students often go on bike rides and scavenger hunts!

El Barrio de Santa Cruz

Situated just a three-minute walk from Centro MundoLengua’s classrooms, this historic neighborhood is full of narrow, winding, cobblestone streets that weave through enchanting old buildings and orange tree-dotted plazas, where you’ll find charming little shops selling handicrafts, ceramics, tea, and other local goods. Also known as the Old Jewish Quarter, the neighborhood used to be the part of the city where Seville’s Jewish inhabitants lived. Today, it’s the perfect place to walk around, soak up the ambiance, and feel like you’ve stepped back in time!


Metropol Parasol

Built atop an underground archeological site that preserves the ruins of an ancient Roman settlement, this modern landmark is the largest wooden structure in the entire world. Because of its uncanny resemblance to a bunchof giant mushrooms, the structure is also known as Las Setas de Sevilla (the Mushrooms of Seville). After seeing the underground ruins, you can visit the top of the structure, where you’ll enjoy breathtaking, panoramic views of the surrounding city.


Otros puntos de interés

The above list only scratches the surface of Seville’s many attractions. Other highlights include the following:

  • Plaza de Toros: one of Spain’s most famous bullfighting rings
  • Archivo de Indias: a UNESCO World Heritage Site that houses some of Spain’s most important historical archives
  • Torre del Oro: a 13th-century, riverside watchtower that provides Seville with another iconic landmark.
  • Museums:the Seville Museum of Fine Arts, the Flamenco Museum, the Archeological Museum of Seville, the Museum of Popular Arts

and Traditions—the list of museums in Seville goes on and on!

What Will I Be Doing?

Explora España con actividades culturales

• Discover Spain’s rich heritage through guided tours of historic attractions,

such as a royal palace that dates back to Moorish times and the world’s largest Gothic cathedral.

• Revive la historia de España con visitas guiadas a edificios impresionantes: entre otros, la Catedral de Sevilla, la construcción gótica más extensa del mundo.


Vive experiencias inolvidables

• Spend time with old and new friends alike at dances, concerts, and dinners for the program’s high school students.

• Unwind with movie nights, tapas nights, and afternoon free time for hanging out with friends, exploring the city, or taking a siesta!

• Enjoy the outdoors together on a kayak trip down a scenic river, a bike ride through a beautiful park, and sports games with Spanish high school students.

Leveling Up YourEspañol: Pre-AP® Spanish Classes

  • Pásalo bien y aprende el idioma en grupos reducidos (15 alumnos máximo) y con profesores con una amplia experiencia en la enseñanza del español en clases basadas en la comunicación. ¡Mejora tu español hablando español!
  • Boost your Spanish language skills with 3 hours of intensive classes per

day, Monday through Friday.
uniquecurriculum, which is specially designed for current and future

AP®Spanish students.

Amplía tus horizontes con excursiones de fin de semana

  • Explore other parts of southern Spain and neighboring Portugal on organized weekend trips to the historic, seaside city of Cádiz, Spain, and the charming, riverside town of Tavira, Portugal.
  • Vive la cultura local, hacer visitas guiadas a pie y relajarse en la playa en ambos destinos.
  • Disfruta de tu viaje sin complicaciones: incluye traslados, comidas, visitas y guía acompañante. ¡Tú sólo preocúpate de vivir la experiencia!

Vive en un auténtico hogar español sin complicaciones

  • Feel a safe and secure sense of home-away-from-home withone of our friendly, carefully-selected Spanish host families.
  • Disfruta de todas las comodidades de una casa de clase media. No tendrás que preocuparte ni siquiera de la colada.
  • Boost your Spanish through real-life conversations with actual Spaniards!Eating Like aSpaniard: ComplimentaryMeals

• Savor home-cooked Spanish meals—daily breakfast, lunch, and dinner included!

Like what you’re seeing so far?

Fechas y precios


Pre AP Spanish Program in Seville, Spain


June 21, 2020


July 4, 2020


Pre-AP, AP



What’s Included?

Pre-AP® Spanish classes (3 hours per day, Monday through Friday)
Cultural tours and activities
Social and recreational activities
Weekend excursions*
Room and board via homestay with a Spanish host family
Airport transfers to and from the nearest airport
24/7 adult supervision and support
Health insurance*

Preguntas frecuentes

View all FAQs

What about flights to Spain? How do I get to Seville?

To give you the flexibility to meet your particular needs, we leave your flight up to you. Everything else is covered and arranged by us—airport transfers to and from the nearest airport, housing, meals, Pre-AP® Spanish classes, activities, etc. That being said, we’d be more than happy to provide you with advice or guidance, so don’t hesitate to contact us about making travel arrangements; we can help you find the option that works best for you!


To reach Seville, there are three main options:

  1. Fly into Seville Airport, which has connections with major Europeanairports in cities such as Madrid, Lisbon, and London. A representative of Centro MundoLengua will be waiting for you at the airport, and we’ll provide you with complimentary airport transfers to and from your host family’s home.
  2. Fly into Jerez Airport or Malaga Airport, which are about 1 hour and 2.3 hours away from Seville by car or bus, respectively. For an additional fee, Centro MundoLenguacan provide airport transfers to and from these airports.
  3. Fly into Madrid and then take a high-speed train to Seville. This trip takes about 2 hours and 40 minutes.

What’s a typical day like? What’s theschedule?

¿Cómo es un día típico con Centro MundoLengua? Éstos serán tus horarios de lunes a viernes. (Para fines de semana, consulta el siguiente apartado).


8:45 – 9:30: Desayunar con la familia anfitriona.

Disfruta de un desayuno típicamente español, hecho en caso: posiblemente, una sabrosa tostada con tomate, aceite y sal.


9:30 – 10:00: Dar un paseo hasta Centro MundoLengua.

Take advantage of Seville’s walkable streets or accessible public transportation system, and enjoy all of the sights and sounds of the city along the way. You’ll be sure to see some shops, restaurants, or attractions you’ll want to check out later!


10:00 – 13:30: Asistir a clases.

Level up your Spanish, prepare for the AP® Spanish course, and have a fun time with your fellow students and teacher while you’re at it. Our engaging, interactive Pre-AP®Spanishclasses run for 3 hours during this time, with a half-hour break in between.


13:30 – 14:00 Vuelta a casa

Regresa a casa para almorzar con tu familia anfitriona, y de paso curiosea entre los establecimientos o los lugares de interés que viste de camino a la escuela.


14:00 – 15:00: Almorzar con la familia anfitriona.

Almuerza comida casera con tu familia española. Es más que probable que pruebes el gazpacho y la tortilla española. El menú variará cada día –y no te preocupes: si tienes necesidades especiales, podemos adaptar las comidas-.


15:00 – 16:30: Disfrutar de tiempo libre.

Entrégate al estilo de vida español tomando una siesta, o bien sal con sus amigos, explora la ciudad o conversa un poco con tu familia anfitriona: ¡es una buena oportunidad para practicar el español en un contexto real!


16:30 – 18:30: Asistir a las actividades vespertinas.

Head to the meeting point for the activity and get ready to have a blast. Today, it could be a salsa lesson. Another day, it could a tour of a historic attraction. And another day, it could be a bike ride through a beautiful park. Every day is different!


18:30 – 21:00: Disfrutar de más tiempo libre.

Aprovecha esta oportunidad para relajarte, hablar con tu familia española, salir con otros compañeros del grupo o explorar la ciudad. Y no te preocupes: probablemente no tendrás deberes que hacer, ya que realizarás todo el trabajo en clase.


21:00 – 22:00: Cenar con tu familia anfitriona

Y después de tanto movimiento, es necesario comer algo antes de que acabe el día para reponer fuerzas. La cena en España suele ser más ligera que el almuerzo: seguramente encontrarás sobre tu mesa un vaso de gazpacho y unas croquetas, o un plato de salmorejo y el típico pescado frito andaluz. Es también una buena oportunidad para que hables de nuevo con tu familia española.


22:00 – 00:00: Asistir a las actividades nocturnas

Despéjate un poco de la actividad diaria y pasátelo bien con tus compañeros de viaje. Conciertos, bailes, cenas, noches de tapas, cine de verano… ¡El programa es muy completo y variado! Algunas de estas actividades son opcionales, así que si tienes un día muy largo y prefieres descansar, también podrás hacerlo.


¿Y durante el fin de semana?

Durante el fin de semana, irás de excursion a dos de los destinos más populares de España y Portugal. El transporte, las comidas, el guía acompañante y las visitas están incluidas, así que sólo tendrás que preocuparte de usar crema solar para protegerte del sol. Éstos son los destinos:

  • Cádiz, Spain:Dating back more than 3,000 years, this is the oldest continuously-inhabited city in all of Western Europe. Here, you’ll get to start the day by touring the city, where you’ll find beautiful architecture, fantastic food markets, and historic attractions such as the Cádiz Cathedral and the Tavira Tower, which houses a camera obscura and provides amazing views of the city. Then, you’ll get to visit one of the city’sgolden-sand beaches, where you can swim, relax, or play sports with your friends from the program.


  • Tavira, Portugal: situated in the country’s scenic Algarve region, this riverside town will provide you with a peaceful getaway from the hustle and bustle of modern life. First, you’ll go on a walking tour down narrow, cobblestone streets that wind through small, whitewashed buildings with tiled roofs, which are punctuated by the remnants of the town’s Moorish past, along with 37 churches, one of which dates back to the 13th century. Then, you’ll get to kick back and relax at the nearby beach, where you’ll find soft golden sand and calm seawater.

¿Cómo son las clases?

Acelera tu aprendizaje del español con nuestro curso de AP® español Lengua y Cultura mientras conoces a otros estudiantes de tu edad y vives experiencias inolvidables bajo el sol de España.

  • Un aprendizaje del español dinámico y participativo, que pone el acento en la comunicación: expresión oral, comprensión auditiva, comprensión lectora, expresión escrita.
  • A curriculum that’s tailored to students preparing for the AP® Spanish course and exam; we’ll cover all of the main themes of the AP® Spanishcourse and provide you with an invaluable head-start going into the next school year.
  • 3 hours of class time per day (Monday through Friday), plus a half-hour break.
  • Clases reducidas, con un máximo de 15 alumnos.
  • Clases reducidas, con un máximo de 15 estudiantes.


Sin deberes para casa. Todo el trabajo debes sacarlo adelante en clase.

¿Cómo es la vida con una familia española?

Es como una segunda casa lejos de tu hogar, con varios beneficios añadidos: disfrutar de comida casera española, hacer nuevos amigos y practicar español en la vida real.

Your host family will live in a middle-class home (most likely an apartment), where you will find all of the standard amenities of modern life. You’ll probably share a bedroom with a friend or another student from the study abroad program. You’ll also probably share a bathroom (European homes tend to have fewer bathrooms than those in the US and Canada).

El alojamiento en familia es en régimen de pensión completa. Si tienes necesidades especiales en cuanto a la comida, comunícanoslas con suficiente antelación para poder satisfacerlas. ¡Tu familia se ocupará también de hacerte la colada para que tengas más tiempo para mejorar vuestro español!

Como las familias de cualquier otro lugar, cada una de las nuestras es diferente, así que es difícil hacer apreciaciones generales que valgan para todas. Por ejemplo, no todas tienen más adolescentes en casa y algunas tienen mascotas. Sin embargo, puedes estar seguro de que cada una de nuestras familias anfitrionas ha sido cuidadosamente elegida por nuestro personal, y de que cada casa ha sido visitada por nuestros responsables de alojamiento para comprobar que reúne las condiciones necesarias para que tu experiencia en España sea única.

No pienses que vas a vivir con una familia española elegida al azar: en Centro MundoLengua contamos con una red de familias anfitrionas con la que llevamos años trabajando. Puedes estar tranquilo: tus alumnos y tú estáis en las mejores manos. En caso de que necesitases cualquier tipo de asistencia durante la estancia, nuestro responsable de alojamiento estará disponible para ayudarte.


¿Quiénes serán mis compañeros?

On your summer abroad adventure to Spain, you’ll be joined by about 12 to 15 other high school students who are planning on taking or are currently taking the AP® Spanish course. Our students come from all over the US and Canada, so you’ll meet an interesting mix of people. Some of them will be coming to Seville alone; others might be coming with a friend or two. Either way, you’ll be sure to make some lasting friendships!


¿Cuánto tiempo libre tendré?

Tendrás al menos tres horas libres al día – a veces hasta seis. Dependerá de lo que estéis haciendo ese día, cuánto tiempo de viaje sea necesario y si vas a participar o no en la actividad nocturna, que a veces será opcional. Apenas tendrás que preocuparte por los deberes, porque podrás terminar tu trabajo en clase.



¿Contaré con ayuda y supervisión?

You’ll have 24/7 adult supervision and support while you attend our program. That being said, the word “supervision” makes it sound kind of oppressive, and that’s not what it’s like at all. We’re just here to keep you safe, make sure you have a good time, and help you out if you need any assistance, not to breathe down your neck! Thanks to our extensive, experienced, and knowledgeable network of teachers, directors, coordinators, and host families, you’ll feel very well-

supported during your time with us here in Spain. Every day, there will be someone to check in with you and make sure you’re okay during your classes, activities, and excursions (all of which are adult-led), and you’ll be able to contact someone from our staff for assistance 24/7.

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