Prevention measures against Covid-19

Are you going to study abroad in Spain with Centro MundoLengua? The safety and well-being of our students remain our top-priority.  Learn more about Covid prevention in Spain and at our school. 

Prevention measures against Covid-19 in Spain

Check this video from the Spanish government to get prepared for your study abroad trip to Spain. For more information, consult the following página del Ministerio de Sanidad del Gobierno de España

YouTube video

Prevention measures against Covid-19 at the school

Centro MundoLengua considers the health, safety and security of students while studying abroad priority number one. To deliver a safe experience, we have implemented a range of Covid-19 safety measures.

VARIED TIMETABLE: We have staggered class arrivals and class breaks, and we have established two schedules instead of one (morning schedule and afternoon schedule), to prevent contact between class groups.

HAND HYGIENE: Hand washing must be performed by the students and by the staff when entering the school. 70% alcohol hand sanitizer is provided throughout the school to allow students and staff to wash their hands frequently

HEALTH CHECKS: Temperature check is required for all staff and students before entering the school.

FACE COVERINGS: Students and staff are required to wear a face covering at all times, including in the common areas, and in the classroom.

CLASS SIZES: We have reduced class sizes and student-teacher ratio to allow students to sit at desks 2 metres apart.

ORGANIZATION OF CLASSROOMS: Students will be assigned a classroom and desk for their study duration. Desks have been spaced out and all face in the same direction.

AIR CIRULATION: We are always keeping occupied spaces well ventilated.

TOILET FACILITIES: The toilet facilities have been reduced to single use. Soap and paper towels are available at all time.

SPECIALISED CLEANING: We have established a schedule with increased frequency of routine cleaning and disinfection. We use disinfectants which kill the Covid-19 virus, with a specific focus on high-frequency touched surfaces, including door handles, tables, desks, computer equipment, faucets, and board toilets. Items that are shared by several students are cleaned between each class group.

SIGNAGE: We have installed marked floors to comply with the physical distancing standard + safety and instructional signs in highly visible locations (e.g., school entrances, restrooms) that promote everyday protective measures and describe how to stop the spread.

STAFF TRAINING: We have provided our staff with the tools and information necessary regarding infection control, including physical contact, enhanced hygiene measures, the use of masks, and contingency plan.

CONTINGENCY PLAN: We have developed a contingency plan if a student or staff member starts to show symptoms or reports feeling unwell.

ACTIVITIES, VISITS, AND EXCURSIONS PROTOCOLS: We have implemented staff protocols and guidelines, to deliver a safe experience during tour guides, activities, and excursions.

HARMONIZATION OF PROTOCOLS WITH SUPPLIERS: We have established with our suppliers and partners including restaurants, museums, hotels, parks, transport partners, venues, etc. that they follow likeminded health and hygiene protocols and guidelines to protect our students.

FAMILY HOMESTAYS PROTOCOLS: We have provided our homestay families with the necessary tools, information, and guidelines to deliver a safe homestay experience.

Please puedes contactarnos more information about our safety measures!