How much do you know about Flamenco | Centro MundoLengua

How much do you know about Flamenco?

Flamenco is one of Spain’s most admired and best known art forms. Since 2010, it has been inscribed on the List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity of the UNESCO.

We have put together a quiz to test how much you know about Flamenco. Even experts might learn a thing or two.

We wish you the very best of luck with the quiz!


1. When was Flamenco first referenced?

2. Which Spanish region is flamenco not native to?

3. What does flamenco not include?

4. Which people has flamenco been influenced by and been associated with?

5. Which country has more Flamenco acadamies than Spain?

6. Unesco declared Flamenco one of the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity on November 16th in 2010.

7. Where does the name “Flamenco“ supposedly come from?

8. An important component of the Flamenco are the so called “palos“. But what are they?

9. Which form of Flamenco is the most frequently performed by Flamenco companies?

10. Why are there extremely few young dancers?


Have you learned new things with our quiz “How much do you know about Flamenco”?

Would you like to learn flamenco dancing and to attend the best flamenco shows in the world? Then, Sevilla should be in your bucket list destinations!

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