Contact Us | Study abroad programs in Spain | Centro MundoLengua

Contact Us



Centro MundoLengua 

Cuesta del Rosario, 8. Casa 1, 4ºA. 41004 Sevilla (Spain).

(+34) 954 00 42 65

Office hours

Monday to Thurday: 9:00 – 19:00Friday: 9:00 - 17:00Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
24 hour emergency telephone contact for students

Our Team Speaks:

English – French – German – Spanish

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Closed on public holidays:

1.1-New Year


2.28-Día de Andalucía

3.28 -Holy Thursday

3.29-Good Friday

4.17-Miércoles de farolillos

5.01-Labor day

6.16-Corpus Christi

8.15-Assumption of Mary

12.10-Hispanity Day

1.11-All Saints Day

6.12-Spanish Constitution Day

8.12-Day of Immaculate Conception.