How to prepare for the AP Spanish Language Exam

How to prepare for the AP® Spanish Language exam?

5 Tips to a 5 on the AP® Spanish Language & Culture Exam

The question every AP® Spanish student is asking is: How to prepare for the AP® Spanish Language exam? Achieving top scores requires the right strategies—not just for the AP® Spanish Language & Culture Exam itself, but also for mastering the course along the way. These expert-backed tips will help you prepare effectively as exam day approaches in May. Our partner AP® Spanish teacher, Ken Stewart, a highly respected AP® Spanish educator and teacher trainer has decades of experience in AP® Spanish instruction. A National Board Certified teacher, he has taught Spanish from middle school to college and currently teaches Advanced Spanish Writing at Duke University. He has served on the AP® Spanish Language and Culture Test Development Committee, been a question leader at the AP® Reading, and has led over 200 workshops worldwide, helping teachers and students succeed in AP® Spanish.

Like any skill, success on the AP® Spanish exam depends on practice and commitment. As Kevin tells his own students: “Rafael Nadal didn’t win multiple tennis championships by just watching tennis on TV! At some point, you’ve got to pick up the racquet and start playing.”

#1 – Read and listen to authentic sources in the target language

This is a sine qua non when learning a second language. Since the print and audio texts on the exam are sourced from Spanish-language media, TV, blogs, podcasts, newspapers and magazines, you should spend a considerable part of your prep time digging into these authentic sources. Some of my favorite sources are: Radio Naciones Unidas,, Radio Caracol and

#2 – Practice interpersonal speaking and writing with a native or heritage speaker

There is no substitute for using the language in an informal setting that reinforces your speaking skills, control of language structures and vocabulary usage. Using social media, gaming, FaceTime, texting and face-to-face conversations will not only give you confidence as you speak but also improve your fluency and accuracy with the language. Invite a Hispanic friend (or make a new one!) out for coffee/lunch. The hour you spend practicing Spanish is the equivalent of several days of class time.

If you have the chance, take advantage of the summer break to prepare for the AP® Spanish exam in a hispanic country. Centro MundoLengua’s Pre-AP® Spanish Language program is a great option.

#3 – Keep a journal in Spanish

Whether you choose to journal in a notebook or digitally, keeping a journal in Spanish will help you with your writing skills. It will also help you getting your thoughts down on paper when it comes time to write the argumentative essay. Practice taking a stand on a particular issue and backing it up with evidence from sources you read, listen to or view.

#4 – Study up on culture

Whether it’s watching the news in Spanish, reading an online newspaper or watching YouTube videos, there is a wealth of information you can use on the AP® Spanish exam. Even your textbook is not a bad place to start. Choose cultural readings and podcasts in Spanish about topics that interest you! It can prove to be very useful in the cultural comparison. Think about how you might compare what you learn about the Spanish-speaking world with your own community.  Many students lack cultural knowledge, especially details, about places where Spanish in spoken. Explore your interests (sports, arts, the environment, music, history, technology, religion, geography, etc.)! But, do it in Spanish!

#5 –Practice timed tasks

Using a stopwatch on your phone, time yourself when doing a multiple-choice reading exercise. Can you read and answer the items in 10-12 minutes? When you’re writing the formal email, limit yourself to exactly 15 minutes. Can you write a cohesive argumentative essay in 40 minutes? Can you speak in Spanish, making a cultural comparison, with 4 minutes to plan and 2 minutes to speak? Do not waste time reading the instructions on the exam; you should be very familiar with these before going in. Do use, however, the advanced organizer. This can hint as to the content and source of the test material.

Would you like to prepare for AP® Spanish Language course and exam in Spain during the summer break? Check our pre-AP® Spanish Language program in Seville and Cadiz 
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