Ken Stewart AP® Spanish workshop review | MundoLengua

Ken Stewart AP® Spanish language and culture program review

Over the last two weeks, the Centro MundoLengua team has been very happy to host a group of AP® Spanish teachers and future AP® Spanish teachers who teach at American and international schools all over the world. Yurkis Mercedes, an AP® Spanish teacher at the Manhattan Academy for Arts and Language, agreed to answer some questions about her experience with this workshop given by Ken Stewart.

What made you decide to come to this AP® Spanish workshop in Sevilla?

My mentor for AP® Spanish Language and Culture was Ken Stewart and he introduced me to the program. He helped me get a scholarship to be able to come to this workshop.

Could you describe a typical day during the workshop?

AP spanish language culture workshop

We started the day at 8:30 am, Ken would start with an activity useful for our AP® Spanish classes. This activity obviously would be useful to have success in our exam. Then he would target the objective of the day (two sections of the test) and activities to do in classes.

What do you think about the academic portion of the workshop?

Everything is very useful. These activities gave us ideas how to organize our lessons, also sharing ideas with other teachers was an excellent resource.

How is the instructor Ken Stewart?

As I said, he was my mentor and the results for the AP® exam in my classroom were 4 and 5! He is excellent! ‘Él es una enciclopedia de AP®!

How was the atmosphere during the workshop?

All the teachers were very friendly and willing to share ideas.

What do you think about the cultural activities planned during the week?


AP Spanish workshop in Sevilla, Spain

I loved that we were able to complement in-class learning with authentic cultural and social activities connected to the culture of Spain in general and Sevilla in particular. For example, one of my favourite activities was going to a local food market and meeting a professional chef who guided us through a Spanish cooking class.

Another day, we danced flamenco, another day we visited the Royal Palace and delved into the history of Spain, …There are too many to name!


How were the guides during the cultural visits?

In each cultural visit, Mario made sure to keep us engaged with the history, giving us an overview of every place. He also made sure to engage us in the conversation.

What about the team at Centro MundoLengua?

All the questions I had from NYC before visiting were answered immediately. Everyone at MundoLengua was very pleasant and helpful!

Would you consider attending another one of our AP® Spanish  workshops and bringing your students in the future?

Absolutely! I would love to study with Centro MundoLengua in their Madrid program in the future. As well, I have already shared information with my students and parents so that they can also take advantage of this wonderful study abroad opportunity.


If you would like to learn more about our AP® Spanish Language and Culture Summer Institute for teachers, visit the link below:

Centro MundoLengua AP® Spanish Language and Culture Summer Institute has been endorsed by the College Board.
College Board, AP®, Advanced Placement®, Advanced Placement Program®, AP® Vertical Teams, Pre-AP® and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of the College Board. Used with permission.

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