Policy for Social Media Privacy-copy

In compliance with the Organic Law – Law Orgánica 15/1999, of December 13th, the Protection of Personal Character Information – Ley de Protección de Datos  de Carácter Personal (LOPD) – and the Law 34/2002, of July 11th, of Services of the Society of Information and Electronic Commerce – Ley de  Servicios  de  la Sociedad de  la Información y de Comercio Electrónico (LSSI-CE)- MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL informs its Users that they have proceeded to create a profile on Social Networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, and YouTube, with the principal objective to advertise its products and services.









If a User has a profile on the same Social Network, they can choose to join the page created by MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO  INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL, showing interest in the information that MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO  INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL publishes on the site. To join MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO  INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL’s page, MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO  INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL facilitates one’s consent for the treatment of certain personal information published on one’s profile.


The User can access the privacy policies for said Social Network at any time, by configuring one’s profile to guarantee one’s privacy.


MUNDOLENGUA  CENTRO INTERNACIONAL  DE  ESPAÑOL SL  has access to and deals with the User´s public information, specifically, their contact name. This information is only used within the proper Social Network. This information is not incorporated into any file.

In relation to the rights of access, rectification, limitation, supression, portability, and opposition to the processing of personal data, as well as the rights regarding consent given for the processing of the data, all of which one has and that can be exercised before MUNDOLENGUA  CENTRO INTERNACIONAL  DE ESPAÑOL SL, in accordance with current legislation regarding data protection policies, one should bear in mind the following:


  • Access: Defined as the functionality of the Social Network and the capacity to access the information on the profiles of its Users.
  • Rectification/Limitation: Satisfaction is in relation to the information that one can find under the responsibility of MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL, for example: deleting published comments on the appropriate page. Normally this right should be exercised through the social network.
  • Cancellation and/or Opposition and/or Portability: Similar to the earlier case, satisfaction is in relation to the information that one can find under the responsibility of MUNDOLENGUACENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL, for example:  choosing to unfollow the MUNDOLENGUACENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL’s page.



MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO  INTERNACIONAL DE   ESPAÑOL  SL   can perform the following actions:

  • Access to the User’s profile public information.
  • Publication in the User profile of all of the information already published on the page of MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL.
  • Send individual and personal messages through the Social Network.
  • Reception of updates of the page of MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL. can be published on the User profile.
  • The User can always control their connections, eliminate uninteresting content, and restrict who they connect with, for this one should access his/her privacy settings.





Once added to the page of MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO INTERNACIONAL  DE ESPAÑOL SL, the User will be able to publish comments, links, images, photos, or any type of multimedia that is supported by the Social Network. The User, in all cases, should be the owner of the content, to enjoy the rights of the author and of the intellectual property, or have the consent of the affected third parties. It is strictly prohibited for any publication on the page, whether it be texts, pictures, photos, videos, etc. that threaten or could pose a threat that is immoral, unethical, disrespectful, or against the well being of others, and/or that infringe, violate, or damage the rights of the intellectual or industrial property, the rights of the image, or the law. In these cases, MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL reserves the right to remove the content immediately and to permanently block the User.

MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL is not responsible for the content freely published by any User.


The User should be aware that their publications will be seen by other Users, so that they are responsible for their own privacy.


The images that can be published on the page will not be stored in any kind of file by MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO  INTERNACIONAL DE   ESPAÑOL  SL,   but they will remain on the Social Network.





MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL reserves the right to hold contests and promotions, in which Users added to the page can participate. The bases for each one, when a Social Network is being utilized, will be published on the same Social Network, always being in compliance with the LSSI-CE and with whatever other norms apply to the application.


The Social Network does not sponsor, endorse, or manage in any manner, any of MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL.’s promotions, nor is it associated with any of them.





MUNDOLENGUA  CENTRO INTERNACIONAL  DE  ESPAÑOL SL will utilize the Social Network in order to advertise its products and services, in all cases, if MUNDOLENGUA  CENTRO INTERNACIONAL  DE  ESPAÑOL SL decides to use contact information in order to perform direct actions with commercial prospects, it will always be in compliance with the legal demands of the LOPD and the LSSI-CE.

The act of recommending the page of MUNDOLENGUA  CENTRO INTERNACIONAL  DE ESPAÑOL SL by Users to others will not be considered advertising, so that others can enjoy the  promotions and be informed about MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL.’s activity.


In continuation MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL. will detail the privacy policies for each of the following social networks:

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/help/323540651073243/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/privacy

Instagram: http://instagram.com/about/legal/privacy/

Pinterest:  http://es.about.pinterest.com/terms/

Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacypolicy?trk=hb_ft_prv

Google+:  http://www.google.com/intl/es/policies/privacy/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/static?template=privacy_guidelines

Flickr: https://policies.oath.com/ie/es/oath/privacy/index.html

Snapchat: https://www.snap.com/es/privacy/privacy-policy/

Reddit: https://www.redditinc.com/policies/privacy-policy-may-25-2018

Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/privacy