Enjoy Spanish culture firsthand all while pursuing your professional development
Program Dates
June 30th - July 4th, 2025
New and experienced
AP® Spanish teachers

APSI® Spanish in Madrid, Spain —Language and Culture

There really is no limit to how far great teachers can go to prepare for the upcoming academic year. But with finite resources and limited time, the best opportunities must be selected in order to truly prepare your curricula effectively to benefit your students’ learning process. For your upcoming AP® Spanish Language and Culture course, why would you choose anything less than the best?


Centro MundoLengua is the only language school in Spain offering AP® Spanish Language and Culture teacher-training programs accredited by the College Board®. Spanish teachers participating in our AP® Spanish Language and Culture program receive the best training right here in Madrid; Spain’s capital, a great place for a Spanish Language and Culture workshop. Immersion in the Spanish culture and language during the program guarantees an effective training experience for teachers that helps bring their Spanish language classes to life in a way that is impossible in the USA and other parts of the world. And with varied stipends and financial incentives available for participants, Centro MundoLengua’s AP® Spanish Language and Culture workshops are the best way to prepare for the new academic year!


Spanish certificate - study abroad in Spain
Full accreditation from College Board®, meaning that our AP® Spanish Language and Culture program is the only one of its kind in Spain.
Customized programs in Spain
Program content that corresponds directly to the AP® curriculum of the year in question, including accounting for any changes from the previous academic year

Financial incentives such as stipends for Spanish teachers who choose to travel with their students for the program
Teacher icon
The chance to network with other AP® level Spanish teachers throughout the program as well as learning from their best practices

A program of social and cultural activities in Spain designed to create a solid foundation of understanding of contemporary Spanish culture.

The workshop is led by world-class instructors in the field of language education


Both figuratively and literally, Madrid occupies the very core of modern Spain. A lot has changed from the times when this city was little more than a Moorish fortress built to keep out Christian invaders, and in the past 4 centuries Madrid’s meteoric rise to prominence makes this city a perfect representation of modern Spanish history. Spain’s transition from dominant global empire to thriving modern economy via an industrial revolution, a costly civil war and an oppressive dictatorial regime have all left their mark in the city’s architecture and culture.

As such, as you walk around this cosmopolitan, busy metropolis, themes common to Spanish culture will inevitably manifest themselves in every sight you see and around every corner you turn. Given Madrid’s central role in the extraordinary changes that have occurred within Spanish society and Spanish culture, there really is no better place for an AP® Spanish Language and Culture workshop than here!

See all Attractions

The Royal Palace of Madrid

The Palacio Real de Madrid is the largest functioning royal palace by floor area in Europe. Though the current Spanish royal family do not reside there for political and personal reasons, this Baroque palace remains the official residency of the Spanish monarchy and therefore holds a huge importance to the people of Spain and the culture of Madrid. Built on the original site of a Moorish Alcázar, the original palace that stood on this site from the 14th  century was severely burned during a fire in 1734 and was therefore replaced by the spectacular edifice and surrounding complex that stands to this day.

The Art Walk

Culture and museum enthusiasts definitely should reserve a full day in their schedule just for this location. The Prado Musuem, the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum and the Reina Sofía National Art Center are all located between 10-15 minutes’ walk from each other and collectively contain arguably Europe’s most fabulous yet diverse art collection. The Prado specializes in renaissance-era Spanish, Italian and Flemish schools, the Thyssen-Bornemisza boasts an incredibly varied collection of works from many global movements, while the Reina Sofia houses some of Spain’s greatest contemporary art works, including Pablo Picasso’s Guernica.

Retiro Park

The 125 hectares of green space immediately stand out when you take a look at a map of Madrid. What isn’t so immediately obvious however is the amount of curious and varied sculptures, monuments, venues and edifices hidden among the 15,000 trees that are commonly known as the lungs of the city. El Retiro Park is extremely popular with locals and visitors alike, be it either for striking photography opportunities in front of the Alfonso XII monument, a summer stroll in front of the Palacio de Velázquez or a casual sporting activity along the park’s many pathways.

Puerta del Sol

A more central spot in Madrid, and indeed the whole country, does not exist. Always bustling with crowds of locals both young and old, “Kilometer Zero” is the single point from where all of Spain’s radial roads begin. The semi-circular Puerta del Sol is where you shall find one of Madrid’s most recognizable images; the famous “Oso y Madroña” statue of a bear nibbling at the fruits of a strawberry tree. And as the clock ticks on New Year’s Eve, thousands of Madrileños gathered in the square begin one of Spain’s most popular traditions of eating 12 grapes before the clock of the iconic Casa de Correos building chimes 12 times.

Templo de Debod

One of the most curious landmarks of Madrid is the Templo de Debod. The great stone structure was presented as a gift to the city by the Egyptian government in 1972, but the masonry itself is far more ancient. Dating back to the 2nd century BC, the temple dedicated to the god Amun and the goddess Isis was originally constructed in Upper Egypt, yet as the mid-20th century Egyptian government prepared to create a dam nearby, it was decided that the temple should be transported to a safer location. It was transported and then built piece by piece in the center of Madrid, where it has become an extremely popular landmark, particularly during early evening.


Ken Stewart

Ken Stewart was the first ACTFL National Foreign Language Teacher of Year. He spent his entire career at Chapel Hill High School in North Carolina, and more recently taught Advanced Spanish Writing at Duke University.


A National Board Certified high school Spanish teacher, he has taught middle grades through college. He was the recipient of ACTFL’s Florence Steiner Award for Leadership in Foreign Language Education K-12.


He has served on the AP® Spanish Language and Culture Test Development Committee, as a question leader at the AP® Reading, and has been a College Board consultant for over 25 years. He has conducted over 200 workshops and summer institutes throughout the US, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Latin America.


Ken is the Director of Professional Development with Vista Higher Learning. An aficionado of languages and cultures, Ken speaks Spanish, Portuguese, and some French; he has traveled and worked in 50 countries.




Spanish teachers in class


  • Our AP® Spanish Language and Culture program follows the latest curricula and guidelines set by the College Board®, therefore participants always receive the very best training in preparation for the course.
  • Our AP® Spanish Language and Culture programs in Madrid are the only ones in this category in Spain that are acknowledged by College Board®.
  • The training is conducted by leading instructors in their specific field with a keen understanding of teacher-training – as well as a large amount of practical experience in AP® courses and exams.
  • Program participants also have the chance to earn additional graduate credits from the University of California at Riverside, in addition to an AP® teacher certificate from the College Board®.

Spanish Immersion Courses in Seville


  • Participants in our AP® Spanish Language and Culture program will enjoy in a wide variety of extra-curricular activities organized by Centro MundoLengua during the program – as well as College Board® accredited training. These social and cultural activities are deliberately selected in order to give program participants opportunities to socialize with other participating Spanish teachers, to feel more comfortable in their new surroundings and to provide further immersion into Spanish society. Experiences that give teachers a greater cultural context really allow Spanish culture to come to life, which in turn only provides further benefit to the teaching process during the AP® course.
  • Guided tours and visits to some of Madrid’s most significant sites and landmarks.
  • Visits to some of Madrid’s most notable museums, including the Prado, the Reina Sofía National Art Center and the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum – some of Europe’s most highly acclaimed art museums.
  • Exploration of the delights of the Spanish cuisine – one of the most famous in the world – with tapas dinners together with the rest of the group.

High school group in Seville


  • Centro MundoLengua understands that Spanish teachers can sometimes struggle to fund their participation in these types of programs. This is why we offer financial benefits and rewards for teachers who would like to undertake our programs.
  • The teachers who travel to Spain with a group of students in order to attend the AP® Spanish Language and Culture program while their students participate in other programs are eligible for our rewards and benefits.
  • The larger the group you travel with, the greater the reward. Travelling with 6 students earns you free participation in the workshop, and travelling with 10 students will earn you an additional $800 stipend – along with free participation in the program.
  • Additional stipends and benefits can be rewarded to participating teachers who travel with even larger student groups. Please get in touch for more details.

Dates and Fees


APSI® Spanish in Madrid, Spain —Language and Culture


June 30th - July 4th, 2025


New and experienced
AP Spanish Teachers



What’s Included?

Pre-departure consultation - study abroad in Spain
Pre-departure advice and consultation
Class materials - study abroad in Spain
30 hours of class (full class materials)
Spanish certificate - study abroad in Spain
Official certificate from College Board® (included) and opportunity to earn additional recognized Graduate Credits from the University of California at Riverside (extra cost)
Social activities in Spain
A program of cultural tours and activities
airport reception - study abroad in Spain
Transfer to and from Madrid airport if you travel with your students
24 hour assistance - study abroad in Spain
24 hour assistance in case of emergency

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