1) General Information about the Contractual Process
The current web page www.centromundolengua.com is property of MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL with CIF B91474908 located at CUESTA DEL ROSARIO 8 CASA 1 4º A 41004, SEVILLA.
The Contract conditions regulate the distanced sales relationship between MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL and the Program Participant, in accordance with the legal stipulations, specifically, Law 7/1998, of April 13th regarding General Contract Conditions, Law 3/2014, of March 27th approving the revised text of amending the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users, Law 15/1999, of December 13th, for the Protection of Personal Information, Law 7/1996, of January 15th of Retail Trade, and Law 34/2002 of July 11th for Services of Social Media and Electronic Sales.
MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL reserves the right to carry out timely modifications, without prior notice, in the Terms & Conditions. Said modifications will be carried out through the website by any correct admissible means and will be in effect from the time they are published online until they are not validly modified through subsequent modification. However, MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL reserves the right to apply, in determined cases, additional Terms & Conditions, with preference to the present Terms & Conditions when it is considered opportune, announcing them in a timely manner.
The objective of the web page is to offer students educational programs.
The Contract period will be deemed terminated on the day of departure of the Program Participant from the Program.
Users and Program Participants expressly acknowledge, understand, and accept the Terms and Conditions of Use, and the Terms & Conditions. In the same manner, they declare being of the age and having the judicial capacity to act accordingly to access the web sites of MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL and of contracting through them. In the case of a minor, you confirm that at the time of accepting the Terms and Conditions of Use, they are under the supervision of a responsible adult or their legal guardian.
To purchase the services of MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL, one can direct him/herself to the corresponding section of the online catalogue.
One can access the corresponding section for registration on the website. Conforming to the established Law 15/1999 for the Protection of Personal Information, MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL informs the User that personal information collected during the registration process and subsequent purchases will be placed into a folder under their responsibility, with the purpose of processing said actions on the part of the User and managing subsequent actions following thereafter.
Additionally, MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL informs the User of the possibility to exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancelation, and opposition through a letter to the address CUESTA DEL ROSARIO 8 CASA 1 4º A 41004, SEVILLA or through an email to the address admin@centromundolengua.com.
Unless otherwise notified, MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL understands that the User’s personal information has not been modified, that the User is obliged to notify MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL of any variation, and that MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL has the User’s consent to use the information for the purpose of finalizing the relationship between the two parties.
During the purchasing process the User will be able to identify him/herself with the provided username and password. This information will not be published. The User is responsible for treating the identity and password obtained as a Program Participant in a confidential and responsible manner, not relinquishing them to others. The User can modify the registration information at any time, by contacting MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL at admin@centromundolengua.com. In the private Program Participant portal, the User will have access to the history of any contracted services.
Upon completion of the purchasing process the Program Participant will receive a confirmation email. It is essential that during the purchasing process the User denotes a valid email address. If within 24 hours upon completion one has not received a confirmation email, one can contact MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL on the customer service line at 954 00 42 65 during normal business hours or by email at admin@centromundolengua.com.
All of the web content is in English, Spanish and French.
In compliance with current established norms regarding Personal Data Protection, MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL informs the User that his/her information will be incorporated into the system owned by MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL with CIF B91474908 and address of CUESTA DEL ROSARIO 8 CASA 1 4º A 41004, SEVILLA, in order to meet the commitments in the Contract signed by both parties. In compliance with current norms, MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL informs the User that the data will be stored during the ESTABLISHED LEGAL PERIOD.
With the current clause the User is informed that his/her data will be used in the case that it is necessary for: public administration and entities in which communication is necessary, with the result of providing the service previously mentioned.
Failure to provide the aforementioned data implies that the provision of services cannot be complied with in regards to the present Contract.
In turn, MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL informs the User that he/she can contact the Delegate of Data Protection of MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL, in writing to the email dpo.cliente@conversia.es or by calling 902877192.
MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL informs that it will treat the data in a lawful, loyal, transparent, appropriate, pertinent, limited, accurate, and updated manner. It is for this that MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL agrees to take all reasonable measures to ensure that the data is deleted or updated when it is incorrect.
In accordance with the rights pertaining to the current norms in data protection, the User may exercise his/her rights of access, rectification, limit of use, cancelation, portability, and opposition in the use of one’s personal data, as well as the consent for the same uses, by writing one’s opposition to the postal address indicated above or to the email address admin@centromundolengua.com.
It may be addressed to the appropriate competent control authority to present the claim as considered opportune.
Lastly, MUNDOLENGUA CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPAÑOL SL informs the User that the signing of the document grants explicit consent for the treatment of the aforementioned data.