A lifetime experience in Sevilla by Briana Georgiev

Briana Georgiev is a high school student from Chicago (USA). During summer 2022, she took part in a two-week program to prepare AP Spanish course and exam. Now she is in love with Sevilla and Spain. Reading her sensations, we got goose bumps. Therefore, we are glad to share her insights about our summer Spanish immersion programs in Sevilla. 

Right now, imagine eating some delicious croquetas, drinking some cold Fanta, making new friends, and walking the cobblestone streets of Sevilla. As I look back on my time at Centro MundoLengua, I see it as a coming-of-age movie, where every memory is laced with smiles.

On the first hand, whether I was dancing with friends, cooking a paella, or kayaking along the Guadalquivir River, every activity was exciting and filled with enthusiasm. Although I have always been able to adapt to changes in my life, this trip was a life-changing experience for me. I had an incredible opportunity to experience life in a foreign country, speak a different language, and experience a new culture.

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On the other hand, I enjoyed going to class every day and learning about topics related to current events. Topics such climate change and migration patterns in Spain as well as flamenco’s origin. While still speaking in Spanish, I made a commercial about turning a city “green”, create funny fictional stories and play games!!

Above all,  this summer trip abroad was filled with a lot of fun memories for me. Gathering by the river every night with a speaker, dancing to our favorite Latin songs, and meeting new people, including tourists and locals.

Nevertheless, the most difficult part of the trip was saying goodbye to all the friends I made and to all the teachers and monitors. They helped make our trip so memorable. My friends and I really enjoyed everything we saw and experienced. If you are looking for summer Spanish immersion programs, this is one worth going on!

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