Top 10 reasons to study abroad in Sevilla, Spain

Discover why Sevilla is a top study abroad city in Spain and might be a good fit for you!

Here are our top 10 reasons to study abroad in Sevilla!

Reason #1 to study abroad in Sevilla: the weather

The Cathedral of Sevilla, Spain
Shining sun in Sevilla, Spain

“Drenched for most of the year in spirit-enriching sunlight,” says Lonely Planet. Sevilla is a beautiful place to call home for your stay. Rarely below freezing – or above boiling! – Sevilla’s weather welcomes you with open arms and makes it easy to explore the city throughout the year.

Reason #2 to study abroad in Sevilla: you will learn Spanish

Adult Spanish learners visiting Sevilla in Spanish

In Barcelona or Madrid, you will be able to fall back on your English, but in Sevilla you can (and must) practice your Spanish. Locals prefer to speak in Spanish, which is not always the case in bigger cities, and makes for an excellent place to learn Spanish.

Reason #3 to study abroad in Sevilla: the restaurants

El Rinconcillo: the oldest tapas restaurant in Sevilla, Spain

Sevilla is a culinary hotspot, and you can expect to find a bevvy of skilled and inventive chefs at local restaurants, in addition to the well-established and well-loved traditional places.

Reason #4 to study abroad in Sevilla: the tapas

Students enjoying some tapas in Sevilla, Spain

There are over 1000 tapas bars in Sevilla. Tapas keep Spain running from dawn…til dawn. From 8pm on, you can join the rest of the city in exploration of Spain’s best small dishes.

Reason #5: the markets

Students visiting a food market in Sevilla, Spain

Find meats, cheeses and baked goods at the Mercado de Triana, or tapas and desserts at the Mercado Lonja del Barranco. Others are flea markets. If you weren’t a chef before you came, Sevilla will convince you otherwise…

Reason #6: spring festivals

La Feria de Abril

For Holy Week and April Fair, beautiful and colorful floats and paper lanterns take over the city’s streets. Sevilla is a rich cultural destination, and the festivals are a bright staple of tradition.

Reason #7: driving distance to the Strait of Gibraltar

Excursion to Morocco from Sevilla, Spain

Dip your toes in the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea (almost) at once! You can even see Morocco in the distance.

Reason #8: a big city you can explore by foot

Walking in Sevilla

Despite being the fourth largest city in the country, Sevilla is largely walkable, which makes it more manageable and easier to get a feel for as a newcomer. Walk from class to your new favorite tapas bar, to a local market all in one afternoon. You will quickly get to know the city streets and feel like a local.

Reason #9: the perfect city for bike lovers

Student with her bike in Sevilla, Spain

Sevilla has its own “Citibike” called Sevici. Brace yourself for a bumpy cobblestone ride, and bring your fresh fish home from the market on your front handlebars.

Reason #10: real life Game of Thrones gardens

The Royal Alcazar: a Game of Thrones filming location

The Royal Alcazar Gardens was a filming location for the hit show, and it’s no surprise why – the impressive and well-kept gardens surrounding the former palace are a magical respite inside city walls.

Sevilla is a colorful (literally) and vibrant Spanish city that offers you an accessible but rich Spanish immersion experience.

Are you convinced by our list of the top 10 reasons to study abroad in Sevilla, Spain? Then we have many programs for you! Visit our program page to find your ideal study abroad program in the Andalusian capital. You can also learn more about Sevilla here.

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