Benefits of studying abroad - Centro MundoLengua

Benefits of studying abroad

Why should one consider studying abroad? Whether you are a middle / high school student, a college student or an adult, there are many benefits of studying abroad!

Here are our list of the top benefits of studying abroad!


5 benefits of studying abroad


#1: Hone your language skills


Do you want to make quick progress in Spanish, in French, in Italian, or any other language? By studying abroad, you will be immersed in the targeted language 24 hours a day! Studying abroad is a great opportunity to dramatically improve your language skills in a short period of time: you will practice the language in a real-life setting, you will learn to speak like a native, and you will improve your comprehension skills!

Making quick progress in a language is probably one of the top benefits of studying abroad!


Study abroad to hone your langauge skills


#2: See the world


Studying abroad is a great way to see the world and visit amazing places! During a study abroad program, you have many opportunities to explore a city and/or country, visit the most impressive landscapes, and discover the local gastronomy, in the company of expert guides.

Our advice? Before choosing a study abroad provider, make sure to check if they offer a quality program of cultural activities, tours, and excursions! To make the most out of your experience, sign up for as many activities as you can! 


Benefits of studying abroad: see the world


#3: Make friends


Are you scared of studying abroad alone and feeling lonely while abroad? Don’t worry!

Studying abroad is one of the best opportunities to make new friends! During your time abroad, you will have the chance to meet and interact with many local and international people in the classroom, in your homestay family, during the activities and tours, etc.

What is more, studying abroad in Spain has another major benefit: Spanish people are very welcoming and sociable, which means you will probably make many new acquaintances in your everyday life!


Benefits of studying abroaf: make friends


#4: Develop a better understanding of other cultures


In today’s globalized world, intercultural sensitivity, knowledge, and understanding is essential to live and work together with people from different cultural origins.

Studying abroad is a great way to see the world through different eyes. You will broaden your thinking, ideas and opinions.

In a way, you will become a global citizen – someone who understands the world better, respects and values diversity, and takes responsibility for their actions.


Intercultural awareness


#5: Live a life-enriching experience


Whatever your age, studying abroad is great for your personal growth. It is a life-enriching experience in many ways.  You will live outside of your comfort zone and you will learn a lot about yourself. You will cherish this experience forever!



Student with his homestay mum



Additional benefits of studying abroad:




Benefits of studying abroad in middle / high school:


Benefits of studying abroad in middle / high school



#1: Gain essential life-skills


Travelling abroad for the first time on your own is a true challenge. By studying abroad in middle school or high school, you will gain essential life-skills such as independence, responsibility, self-confidence, and leadership skills. You will get better prepared for the independence that college brings!


#2: Make your college application stand out!


Studying abroad in middle school or high school is an added bonus on your academic record, because it shows how committed you are to your education. It can make a difference for you admission to the college or university of your choice!


#3: Learn the language quicker!


The sooner you learn a language, the better! Many studies have shown that learning a language is easier for teenagers than it is for adults. For instance, according to a study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “children remain skilled at learning the grammar of a new language up to the age of 17 or 18. After late teens, grammar-learning ability drops precipitously”. This is one of the main benefits of studying abroad in middle school or high school!


#4: Make the most out of your time abroad!


While in middle / high school, you are supposed to be in good health and in tip top shape to travel the world!

Also, you have more freedom and you don’t have anything to hold you back. The older you get, the more responsibilities and ties you will have, such as school debt, physical attachments, or a mortgage! It won’t be so easy to drop everything and travel the world!


#5: More affordable rates


Studying abroad in high school tends to be cheaper compared to studying abroad in college / university, because middle school/ high school study abroad programs tend to be shorter! On top of that, there are many scholarships available to high school students.



Benefits of studying abroad in college / university:


Benefits of studying abroad in college/university



#1: Experience a different style of teaching


By studying abroad at a foreign university, you will learn a new unique style of teaching. You will have more capacity to adapt to different educational settings, management styles and more.


#2: Develop your confidence


Studying abroad in college/university is great to develop your confidence! It tests your ability to adapt to diverse situations, solve problems, and overcome challenges. It will help you a lot for both your personal and professional life!


#3: Boost your employability


Studying abroad looks great on your résumé! It can help you launch you career after your studies. The benefits of studying abroad are huge from a professional perspective: former study abroad students are more open-minded, resourceful, and they also often master a foreign language. All of this is very attractive to the eyes of employers. 


#4: Enhance your network


Your network is everything. Studying abroad in college / university helps you build invaluable relationships which can lead to career opportunities. It is even truer if you choose to do a volunteer placement during your study abroad program. 


#5: Enjoy lower tuition fees


By deciding to take a gap year or a semester / year-long study abroad program abroad in college/university, you could save a lot of money. Tuition fees in Europe, Latin America, or Asia tend to be lower than in the United States.



Benefits of studying abroad for adults:


Benefits of studying abroad for adults



#1: Enhance your career


Studying abroad as an adult can really help you progress your career, especially if you need to master a specific language for being promoted or finding your new dream job. If you are exploring a new career path, studying abroad is great too, as it will help you to figure out what your new interests are.


#2: Find new interests and hobbies


Studying abroad is great to find yourself / learn more about yourself. You will explore new hobbies and activities in the company of other participants from all over the world.


#3: Boost your memory


Studying abroad and learning a new language is great for memory and for your health! Foreign language learning stimulates increased brain function and often leads to improved memory and creativity, an increased ability to think abstractly and to process information.


#4: Enjoy life


Work hard, play hard! Study abroad because you just deserve it! You must enjoy life outside of your day-to-day routine! Studying abroad as an adult is also a great opportunity for continuous professional development!


#5: Keep moving and active!


Finally, there is no age to study abroad! Like everything, it is never too late. One should always keep moving, stay active and get out of their comfort zone.


Are you convinced about the benefits of studying abroad? At Centro MundoLengua, we offer many study abroad programs for middle school, high school, college/ university and adult learners!

Not yet sure about your ideal study abroad destination? If the idea of studying abroad in Spain appeals to you, check our article about the top reasons to study abroad in Spain! 




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