Custom semester abroad in Spain
Create the perfect custom semester abroad in Spain for your college or university students!
Program Dates
Spring semester, Fall semester.
Student profile
For Spanish & Humanities majors. All levels of Spanish.

Custom semester abroad in Spain: University of Sevilla

The feedback many employers frequently give nowadays is that university graduates lack context for their studies. Academically exceptional students often struggle to apply their theoretical knowledge in professional environments as a consequence of a lack of exposure to different approaches to information processing and problem solving.  

A semester abroad in Spain with Centro MundoLengua will give your students the tools and experience needed to excel in the professional world while earning course credits that contribute towards their degree. In an internationally accredited, stimulating environment, your students will study Spanish abroad along with multiple courses that cover contemporary topics about the Spanish speaking world and the language itself at the University of Sevilla in the center of one of Spain’s most culturally vibrant cities. And furthermore, not only will a semester abroad in Spain help boost your students skillset and CV, but it will also give them an unforgettable experience that benefits their personal development as much as their employability.

Sound good? The next step is to simply keep scrolling down this page….


A period of study at one of Spain’s most prestigious and successful universities; the University of Sevilla.
Spanish certificate - study abroad in Spain
Internationally recognized course credits that can be easily transferred back to your students’ university curriculum.

Immersion within Spanish society and language thanks to residency with a local host family during the semester.

A program of social, cultural and recreational extra-curricular activities designed to bring your students’ closer to modern Spanish society.

Personal growth and development from the experience of modern life in a foreign city.
24 hour assistance - study abroad in Spain
24 hour assistance for students available for the duration of the semester in case of emergency.


Located on the banks of the Guadalquivir River, Sevilla is the administrative capital of Andalusia, Spain’s most populous region, and has become a major transport hub that links the local population to the rest of the world by road, by rail and by air. Yet Sevilla stands thanks primarily to its bold cultural identity. Andalusia is the region whose traditions are most synonymous with Spain on an international level, and Sevilla is the spiritual home for many of these traditions. Flamenco music, equestrian schools and horse riding, la Feria, the tapas dining concept, Sevillanas dancing and, for right or for wrong, bullfighting customs are all most prominent among this city’s winding alleyways, cobbled streets, Arabic gardens, Catholic cathedrals, shaded plazas and towering bridges. And while Sevilla has no trouble charming tourists, professionals, writers, politicians, artists and even a Hollywood movie director or two, it is students who most quickly fall in love with the city’s affordable prices, abundant nightlife, architectural diversity and endless spots of indescribable beauty.

Mapa Sevilla países vecinos

See all Attractions

The Sevilla Cathedral

Sevilla’s 12th century cathedral is the largest Gothic cathedral in the entire world and houses the final resting place of none other than Christopher Columbus. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is only 5 minutes’ walk from the Centro MundoLengua office and is located in the heart of the city. It is equally as impressive to look at on the inside as it is one the outside, with a giant nave (central hall) lined with 80 side chapels and a spectacular array of ecclesiastical art, carvings and altarpieces.

The Giralda

Adjoined onto the cathedral is the single most iconic landmark of all Sevilla. La Giralda bell tower was originally the minaret of a mosque that was located at this site, before it was incorporated into the designs of the Catholic conquerors for the cathedral after they captured the city. And if you manage to climb all 340 feet of it to get to the top, your reward will be some of the finest views in all Sevilla.

The Royal Alcázar

The Real Alcázar was used as a set for the hit television series “Game Of Thrones”, and when you visit this 14th century palace and UNESCO World Heritage Site, you immediately understand why. Its complex of gardens, patios, plazas and of course the palace itself feature some of the finest examples of the Mudéhar architecture that Andalusia is famous for, and a walk through the Alcázar passing its native orange trees and peacocks is an activity that simply never loses its appeal.

Barrio de Santa Cruz

Known as the “Old Jewish Quarter”, the Barrio de Santa Cruz is the part of the city that perpetually feels furthest away from the present. Its cobbled streets, narrow alleyways, criss-crossing paths and tall stone walls work together to keep much of the noise, and much of the traffic, outside. Its inhabitants therefore enjoy its secluded plazas, artisanal shops and hidden corners without distraction, and as you wander the Barrio and gaze upon the modern reminders of the stories of the people that have lived here through the ages, you can almost feel yourself transporting back through the centuries ….

The Plaza de España

Plaza de España is another of Sevilla’s major landmarks that has inspired directors (this time in the case of Star Wars). Constructed as recently as 1928, its semi-circular main edifice faces the lush, green Parque de María Luisa where many of our planned activities take place. Its central fountain is surrounded by boating canals and low bridges that provide a thousand different photo opportunities, but the real star of the show is the wide archways, proud towers and tiled alcoves dedicated to each of Spain’s provinces that form part of the main structure.

Metropol Parasol

One of Sevilla’s most striking attractions masterfully combines both the ancient and the modern. Below ground are the ancient Roman ruins of the city that the public can access, but as you arrive at “Las Setas” (as it is commonly referred to in Sevilla), your eyes naturally gravitate up towards the giant lattice work that is the world’s largest single wooden structure. And don’t forget to climb to the top as the sun begins to set in order to enjoy the finest nighttime views of all Sevilla.

Other attractions

But that is far from everything that Sevilla has to offer. Other popular attractions include:

  • The Palacio de las Dueñas; the birth place of Spanish poet Antonio Machado, this 15th century palace is famed for its striking flower-covered facade and its unusual mixture of both Moorish and Gothic architectural styles.
  • Torre del Oro; a 13th century watchtower on the banks of the river that glows a radiant gold (hence the name) as the sun begins to set on a clear night.
  • The Plaza de Toros; one of the country’s most prominent and famous bullrings.
  • Archivo de Indias; another UNESCO World Heritage Site in Sevilla that contains some of the country’s most important historical archives and documents.
  • A huge amount of museums including, but not limited to, the Sevilla Museum of Fine Arts, the Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions, the Archeological Museum of Sevilla and the Flamenco Museum.

Your Campus

Semester abroad in Spain - University of Sevilla

There are few academic institutions in Spain that are as prestigious as the University of Sevilla. Many things have changed since its founding in 1502, but the 70,000 students that pass through the grand doors of its campus confirm that the consistent quality of education available at the university is something that has remained the same. The university has various facilities and sites across the city, but the principal location where most study takes place is located in a grand, spectacular edifice a short walk from the Puerta de Jerez right in the center of Sevilla. This building itself has a history that is almost as remarkable as the university itself. Subtle reminders of its past are dotted in the archways, walls and gates that surround its renowned lecture theaters that once upon a time were used to process tobacco from the Americas. The University of Sevilla therefore represents a core piece of the history of not just the city, but of Spain itself.

Application requirements

  • A minimum GPA of 2.90
  • Letter of recommendation
  • Official transcript
  • Valid passport with student visa


The University of Sevilla is the ideal university for international students on a semester abroad in Spain who have a specific interest in the language and in the contemporary Spanish speaking world itself, as well as history and geography.

Students can choose 4 to 5 different courses per semester from either the university’s Faculty of Philology or the Faculty of Geography and History, both of which offer a wide range of courses that your students can choose from on an individual basis.

Attendance is compulsory and monitored by the professors, and a variety of examination methods are applied throughout the semester. Each course normally earns the individual student 3 U.S. credits (6 ECTS credits) which means that your students can earn a maximum of 15 U.S. credits (30 ECTS credits) that contribute to their eventual university degree during the semester.

No prior command of the Spanish language is required before arrival at the university. However the courses available to your students on their semester abroad in Spain at the University of Sevilla are purposefully selected with the assumption that students in the program will have an interest in the Spanish language and the Spanish speaking world. Courses for international students are taught in Spanish and English, and international students who have a high proficiency in Spanish (including your students) are able to take up to 2 courses delivered in Spanish together with native Spanish students. A large amount of courses are taught in English, but all students participate in courses designed to improve their command and understanding of the Spanish language. As part of the course selection, students are also able to choose up to 2 specially designed courses by Centro MundoLengua. These courses include one on the History of Sevilla, combining theory with in-situ cultural visits. The other focuses on the study of social-cultural issues in Spain, reinforced by practical community service work with local organizations.

For more information about a specific course, please feel free to get in touch with us.

Centro MundoLengua courses
Faculty of Philology – First Semester
Faculty of Philology – Second Semester
Faculty of Philology, Contemporary Hispanic Studies – First Semester
Faculty of Philology, Contemporary Hispanic Studies – Second Semester
Faculty of Geography and History – First Semester
Faculty of Geography and History – Second Semester
Faculty of Geography and History, Contemporary Hispanic Studies – First Semester
Faculty of Geography and History, Contemporary Hispanic Studies – Second Semester


Semester abroad in Sevilla, Spain


  • While further contributing to their CV/résumé and academic career, students on a semester abroad in Spain always benefit from continued personal growth. Studying abroad gives students a unique opportunity to approach the study process with a different perspective, which often helps students develop a more holistic approach to their studies when they return home.
  • Additionally, life abroad consistently allows students to become more independent, resourceful and responsible, and builds their self-esteem and confidence in their own abilities and character.
  • Students earn transferable course credits during their semester at the University of Sevilla that can be easily incorporated into their degree at their home university.
  • Students will spend time socializing and networking with many others from all over the world during, and your students who already speak proficient Spanish may attend classes taught in Spanish.

Paella cooking class - semester abroad in Sevilla, Spain

Language & culture immersion

  • Centro MundoLengua pairs students with host families who accommodate them during their semester abroad in Spain. Students are therefore presented with daily opportunities to learn and practice their Spanish while experiencing modern Spanish culture first hand.
  • Throughout the semester, students are immersed in the local language and culture, thanks to the classes, the homestay experience and Centro MundoLengua’s activity program that constantly introduces international students to various parts of modern Spanish society, which gives them further opportunity to develop their language skills and learn the local culture.

Social & cultural activities

  • Centro MundoLengua prepares a full program of extra-curricular activities for students studying on a semester abroad in Spain at the University of Sevilla that are designed to further contribute to personal growth while continuing to compliment the lessons taught in the classroom and facilitating increased exposure to contemporary Spanish life.
  • Cultural activities include introductions to the passionate and fiery world of Flamenco with live shows and dance workshops, paella cooking classes in groups, guided tours to such iconic sites as la Catedral, Plaza de España, Real Alcázar, la Giralda and Las Setas, Sevillana dancing classes and many more.
  • Our recreational activity plan can include kayaking afternoons on the Guadalquivir River, biking tours through cycle-friendly Sevilla, language exchanges, Spanish cinema evenings and even the occasional karaoke night.
  • Your students will also have the opportunity to take part in volunteer projects with local charities and non-profit organizations here in Sevilla during their semester abroad.

Excursion to Morocco from Spain - semester abroad in Sevilla, Spain


  • Your students will undertake multiple excursions during their semester abroad. Some examples of excursions have included Barcelona, Madrid, Granada, Malaga, Lisboa, and Morocco.
  • We understand that international students studying abroad for a semester want to take part in as many trips and excursions as possible while they are here. We are therefore happy to provide information, tips and advice to your students during their semester with us so that they can organize their own excursions during their free time.

Dates and Fees


Custom semester abroad in Spain: University of Sevilla


Sep 14th - Dec 17th, 2022

Deadline: April 15th, 2022


All levels


Ask for a quote

What’s Included?

Fully customizable. You choose the dates and content of your program. Some components could include:
Pre-departure consultation - study abroad in Spain
Pre-departure consultation and advice.
airport reception - study abroad in Spain
Airport reception with a representative from Centro MundoLengua in Sevilla airport (including transfer to and from the airport).
Orientation walk - study abroad in Spain
Initial orientation days in Sevilla.

Full tuition for the semester at the University of Sevilla (4 or 5 courses – a maximum of 30 ECTS/ 15 US credits that can be earned).
Spanish certificate - study abroad in Spain
Official transcript from the University of Sevilla.

Private tutoring.
Family homestays
Accommodation and full board with a local Spanish-speaking homestay family.

Program of social, cultural and recreational activities during the program.
backpack icon
Excursions to other cities in Spain, Portugal, or Morocco.

Public transport travel card for Sevilla.
volunteer abroad
Volunteer opportunities during the semester.
Health insurance - study abroad in Spain
Medical insurance for the duration of the semester and 24-hour assistance.

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