Custom semester programs for college students
Create the perfect custom semester program for your college or university students!
Program Dates:
Spring semester, Fall semester.
Student profile:
All majors and all levels of Spanish.

Custom semester programs for college and university students: Pablo de Olavide University

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Students often struggle applying their theoretical knowledge to the labor market, oftentimes due to a lack of exposure to different real-world environments. Consequently employers are increasingly valuing periods of study abroad when hiring graduates, because time spent studying in foreign surroundings helps students appreciate and discover different approaches to processing information and problem solving.

Centro MundoLengua’s custom semester abroad for college and university students allows students in a wide variety of subjects to develop a greater understanding and alternative perspectives of their field of study in a safe and stimulating environment. Your students will study abroad in Spain at the Pablo de Olavide University, one of the country’s most modern academic institutions, while earning transferable course credits towards their university degree. And not only does a semester program help develop student employability in a competitive job market, it also encourages personal growth and the creation of endless lifelong memories. Sounds good? A dream opportunity for your students is just a few clicks away….


State-of-the-art facilities at one of Spain’s most modern universities that benefit students’ educational careers. 

A huge variety of courses and classes for your students to choose from at the Pablo de Olavide University.
Spanish certificate - study abroad in Spain
Formal recognition for students’ studies abroad in the form of transferable course credits.
Family homestays
Full immersion in the Spanish language by living with a Spanish host family throughout the semester.

Personal growth and development in one of Europe’s most culturally vibrant and student-friendly cities.
24 hour assistance - study abroad in Spain
24 hour assistance available for the entire duration of the program.


Located on the banks of the famous Guadalquivir River that cuts through Andalusia, Sevilla bursts from the ground right before the eyes in a forest of modern towers, impressive bridges, gothic cathedrals and a world-famous Moorish bell tower. Visitors old and young never fail to be impressed by the city’s visual delights and architectural variety, but students tend to respond particularly well to Sevilla’s superb location and its abundant and colorful cultural scene and nightlife. Flamenco music, horse and carriage commutes, Sevillanas dancing, tapas-eating culture, la Feria and, for better or for worse, bullfighting are all core traditions that give the city its prominent and exciting identity. With such a wide variety of experiences to be had inside the city and easy travel links that help international students explore further afield, our custom semester program for college and university students truly enriches the lives of students as much as it strengthens their careers.

Mapa Sevilla países vecinos

See all Attractions

The Sevilla Cathedral

The world’s largest Gothic cathedral is the ideal place to start. The Sevilla Cathedral was originally built in the 12th century and is a mere 5 minute walk from the Centro MundoLengua office. Its giant nave and 80 side chapels that face it make the cathedral as magnificent on the inside as it is on the outside, and an impressive array of altarpieces, ecclesiastical artwork and carvings further contribute to its majesty. And to top it off, the tomb of none other than Christopher Columbus makes the cathedral fully deserving of its UNESCO World Heritage Site status.

The Giralda

The city’s most famous resident stands at an enormous 340 feet above ground right next to the cathedral. La Giralda used to be a minaret of the mosque that was constructed during the Moorish era of Sevilla’s past before it was subsequently incorporated into the Catholic conquerors’ designs for their cathedral. The sight of La Giralda always makes true Sevillanos feel at home, and anybody who climbs right to the top is rewarded with fantastic views of the city.

The Royal Alcázar

Used as a set for the hit TV series “Game Of Thrones”, the Real Alcázar is a royal palace built in the 14th century and another UNESCO World Heritage Site. The complex of patios, plazas, gardens and palace feature some of the finest examples of Mudéjar architecture – the Andalusian style that exquisitely fuses Christian, Jewish and Muslim building designs and practices. One of the most photographed locations in the city never fails to disappoint, be it for its architecture, its sweet-smelling orange trees or its native peacock population.

Barrio de Santa Cruz

The part of town known as the “Old Jewish Quarter” is perhaps the most mysterious of all Sevilla. In here, modern life seems to be a world away; tall stone walls, narrow alleyways, winding paths and cobbled streets block out everything and anything that doesn’t belong inside. As you meander through the Barrio de Santa Cruz in the late afternoon, you will constantly see physical reminders of the stories of the people of Santa Cruz who walked the same paths as you are centuries ago, making it almost feel as if you are transcending generations as really experiencing Sevilla as it used to be.

The Plaza de España

The Plaza de España may be one of the city’s youngest landmarks, but this hasn’t stopped it from becoming one of the most popular. Used as a set for the film Star Wars: Episode 2 – The Attack of the Clones, this giant semi-circular plaza sits directly opposite the green and delightful Parque de María Luisa where many of our student activities take place. In the center of the park lies a magnificent fountain, around which shallow boating canals and low bridges provide endless, fantastic photo opportunities. And set into the main edifice are individual tiled alcoves, each one dedicated to an individual province of this culturally rich country.

Metropol Parasol

No place in Sevilla simultaneously combines the ancient and the modern quite like the Metropol Parasol does. Known by locals as “Las Setas” thanks to its close resemblance to a giant mushroom, beneath the modern building lie ancient Roman ruins that are accessible to the public. Yet upon arrival, the eyes are inevitably drawn upwards to the largest single wooden structure in the entire world. Get a few photos from down below, but don’t forget to ascend to the top as the sun begins to set in order to take advantage of what are said to be the very best nighttime views available in all Sevilla.

Other attractions

Yet that is not all! Sevilla always seems to have something else for you to explore. Other attractions include;

  • Torre del Oro, a watchtower overlooking the river built in the 13th century that dazzles in the evening sunshine.
  • The Plaza de Toros, one of the country’s most famous bullrings.
  • Archivo de Indias, another UNESCO World Heritage Site in which some of the most important documents and archives from Spain’s past are held.
  • The Palacio de las Dueñas, a magnificent 15th century palace famous for its unusual mixture of both Gothic and Moorish architectural styles. Inside the palace’s famed flowered façade, the famous Spanish poet Antonio Machado was born.
  • More museums than you can imagine, with the Sevilla Museum of Fine Arts, the Flamenco Museum, the Archeological Museum of Sevilla and the Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions just to name a few.

Your Campus

Custom semester program for college students -Study abroad program in Pablo de Olavide university

Founded as recently as 1997, the Pablo de Olavide University is one of the most modern in all of Spain, a fact that is easily recognizable in its impressive facilities. Around 11,000 students (a huge number of which are international) enjoy the state-of-the-art laboratories and magnificent library on this extremely green campus each year. The Pablo de Olavide University also stands out thanks to its excellent range of subjects offered, but also as a leading academic institution for students majoring in the Spanish language. And because the Pablo de Olavide University campus is located outside of the narrow confines of Sevilla’s city centre, Centro MundoLengua issues travel cards to students studying in our custom Semester Abroad program in Spain that facilitate easy and free travel to and from campus.

Application requirements

  • A minimum GPA of 2.90
  • Letter of recommendation
  • Official transcript
  • Valid passport with student visa


Students choose between 4 to 5 classes per semester from a wide variety of subjects, and each one typically earns 3 US credits (or 6 ECTS credits) that can be transferred back to the home university, meaning students’ semester abroad at the Pablo de Olavide University contributes directly to their eventual degree.

We coordinate with the faculty members at the Pablo de Olavide University in order to establish which courses your students can study in order to earn credits. As part of the course selection, students are able to choose up to 2 specially designed courses by Centro MundoLengua. These courses include one on the History of Sevilla, combining theory with in-situ cultural visits. The other focuses on the study of social-cultural issues in Spain, reinforced by practical community service work with local organizations. Additionally, for students with a competent level of Spanish, they are able to choose to study in up to 2 courses taught entirely in Spanish with other local Spanish and international students as part of the University Integration Program.

Classes typically take place from Monday to Thursday. Attendance is mandatory and monitored. Student evaluation is undertaken using a variety of formats, including examinations, coursework, presentations, assignments and homework.

Prior to beginning the semester, the Pablo de Olavide University requires that your students complete a Spanish placement exam, to assess their existing level of competency.

For more information about a specific course, please feel free to get in touch with us.

Centro MundoLengua courses
History of Art and Cinema
Biology / Chemistry / Sciences
Political Science
Spanish Culture
Spanish Language


Semester programs for college students with family homestays

Language & culture immersion

  • Your students will stay with local host families that work with Centro MundoLengua for the duration of the semester. Homestays means that their time spent in Spain is completely immersive, which gives your students a unique opportunity to practice their language skills every day while observing the contemporary culture of Spain.
  • Students studying in the semester program learn the theory inside the classroom and then apply their knowledge in a practical setting outside of it, both with their host families and during our curated activities program that allows students to experience and explore many facets of modern Spanish life.

Semester program for college students in Sevilla, Spain


  • Studying in another country allows individuals to shift their perspective and look at challenges from different angles. The positive effect this has on an individual’s academic or professional career cannot be understated, and particularly helps students approach their studies in a more holistic manner.
  • Not only will your students learn Spanish and contribute to their CV/résumé, they will further develop important life skills, such as resourcefulness, independence and responsibility, perspective and, of course, confidence and self-esteem.
  • Your students will have an excellent chance to socialize and network with diverse people from all over the world during their semester.
  • Students studying at the Pablo de Olavide University for a semester will also earn transferable course credits that can be easily incorporated into their individual university degree.

Spanish cooking classes - semester programs for college students in Spain

Social & cultural activities

Centro MundoLengua creates an extra-curricular activity program to give your students the chance to enjoy their time in Spain as much as possible without having to take it upon themselves to organize everything.

  • Cultural activities that bring your students closer than ever before to the core of Spanish culture include live Flamenco shows, Sevillanas dance classes, guided visits to and tours of some of the city’s most iconic historic landmarks, paella cooking workshops and many more.
  • Social activities that give students the chance to relax and socialize with other students can include kayaking afternoons on the Guadalquivir River, bicycle tours through the city, hiking through the Andalusian countryside, language exchanges, Spanish cinema evenings and visits to bustling food and clothing markets, amongst others!
  • Students in the custom semester abroad program can also participate in volunteering activities with local charities and non-profit organizations right here in Sevilla.

Excursion to Morocco from Spain - smeester programs for college students in Sevilla, Spain


  • Your students will undertake multiple excursions during their semester abroad. Some examples of excursions have included Barcelona, Madrid, Granada, Malaga, Lisboa, and Morocco.
  • Furthermore, we are able to provide students additional information, tips and advice if they want to organize additional weekend excursions elsewhere in the region outside of the Centro MundoLengua extra-curricular program.

Dates and Fees


Custom semester programs for college and university students: Pablo de Olavide University


Jan 18th – May 20th, 2023

Deadline: Oct 15th, 2022


All levels


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Custom semester programs for college and university students: Pablo de Olavide University


Sep 6th – Dec 22nd, 2023

Deadline: May 14th, 2023


All levels


Ask for a quote

What’s Included?

Fully customizable. You choose the dates and content of your program. Some components could include:
Pre-departure consultation - study abroad in Spain
Pre-departure consultation and advice.
airport reception - study abroad in Spain
Airport reception with a representative from Centro MundoLengua in Sevilla airport (including transfer to and from the airport).
Orientation walk - study abroad in Spain
Initial orientation days in Sevilla.

Full tuition for the semester at the Pablo de Olavide University (4 or 5 courses – a maximum of 30 ECTS/ 15 US credits that can be earned).
Spanish certificate - study abroad in Spain
Official transcript from the Pablo de Olavide University.

Private tutoring.
Family homestays
Accommodation and full board with a local Spanish-speaking homestay family.

Program of social, cultural and recreational activities during the program.
backpack icon
Excursions to other cities in Spain, Portugal, or Morocco.

Public transport travel card for Sevilla.
volunteer abroad
Volunteer opportunities during the semester.
Safe study abroad programs
Medical insurance for the duration of the semester and 24-hour assistance.

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